Properly administering and submitting tax forms are two of the most important and complex parts of an employee’s job. An employee is responsible for keeping accurate information throughout the year, as well as submitting the proper forms to employees and the IRS. But when it comes to classifying employees, many employers struggle with which form to use—Form W-2 or Form 1099?
The distinction is a significant one and is important for employers to get right.
Employee or Independent Contractor
The form choice depends on whether the individual is an employee or an independent contractor. All employees get Form W-2s, while independent contractors receive Form 1099s. The distinction between the two is not always clear, but employers need to classify workers appropriately. The IRS has created three criteria to help employers make the proper distinction.
Behavioral Control
Does the company train and control what the worker does, and how the worker does the job? Does the employer specify the hours of work, tools to be used and specific tasks to be performed? If so, the worker likely is an employee of a company; if not, the worker could be an independent contractor.
Financial Control
What amount of financial control does the company have over the worker? If the worker is paid a salary, restricted from working for others, and does not participate in company profits or losses, then he or she is probably an employee.
Type of Relationship
The presence of a written contract may indicate an independent contractor. On the other hand, if the worker is eligible for employee benefits, then he or she is likely an employee. Other aspects to consider include whether the relationship will continue and whether the worker participates in core work for the company (for example, a maintenance worker in a bank would not be doing “core” company work and may qualify as an independent contractor).
The type of relationship that exists can be hard to determine, and these factors can conflict with each other at times. It is best to evaluate the entire relationship and situation and be sure to document the factors used in making the decision—in case of an IRS audit. If the employer is still unable to decide which designation is more appropriate, it can file a Form SS-8 to request a determination from the IRS.
Form W-2
A W-2 form reports total income (wages, tips, and other compensation), Social Security and Medicare income, and how much has been withheld from the employee’s pay for federal, state, and local taxes. Employers are required to submit Form W-2 for each employee who had income, Social Securit,y or Medicare taxes withheld in that calendar year. Employers are required to provide a copy of this form to all employees by Jan. 31 of the following year. They are also required to submit all W-2 forms to the Social Security Administration (SSA), along with a W-3 form highlighting the total taxable wages and salaries for all employees, by Jan. 31.
These forms can be found on the IRS website.
To access the W-2 form, visit
For Form W-3, visit
Form 1099-NEC
Companies do not have to withhold or pay any taxes on payments made to independent contractors, nor do they deduct any Social Security or Medicare taxes from their payments. Therefore, the company must instead file a 1099-NEC form for any independent contractor who worked for them in the past year and to whom they paid $600 or more.
The independent contractors’ copy of the form must be provided to them no later than Jan. 31. In addition, the company is required to send all copies of 1099-NEC forms to the IRS by Jan. 31, along with a Form 1096, which compiles all 1099 information.
The 1099-NEC form can be found online at
and the 1096 form can be accessed at
For more information, visit
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